Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video games: Google+ isn't playing around

The new social network Google+ has started to add games in order to better compete with facbook. I believe that although this may increase the google plus users who wanted to try Google+ but were intereseted in the games concept, I still don't believe that this will cause google to make any sort of breakthrough or sudden large increase in new users. Facebook has been the leading social network for several years now and many people feel that moving from one social network to another is to much of a hassle to be worth it. I still don't think all is lost for google; while I don't believe googles new games addition may increase users much., I do believe that google has other features that may keep them in the competition with facebook. For starters Google can connect Google+ with their popular search engine and with Gmail to have an upper hand with something that Facebook doesn't have. Google definitely isn't out of the race yet.

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